+61 0410 388 296 info@savita.com.au

Integrated Trauma Healing

Available online (Zoom) or in person

1.5 hours


Integrated Trauma Healing

Clarity, freedom, love, authentic power, joy and creativity are actually our true nature.  Are you in alignment with this natural way of being, or are you struggling with anxiety, chronic stress, blocked emotions, depression, anger, guilt, insomnia, relationship issues or health challenges?

PTSD it can present as a cluster of these signs or just one or two predominate symptoms of disharmony.  When we are trapped in past traumatic imprints we are no longer available to fully experience life in all its colours.

With integrated trauma healing you are addressing the mind, body and spirit.  Healing is then achieved by shifting the root cause of the symptoms, disharmony or PTSD at all levels of your being.

If you are going through a spiritual awakening or awakening process, integrated trauma healing is such a gift.  Extremely tailored to unravelling identification that we are unconscious of and shifting it out of the body. This then allows the awakening to stabilise so you can more easily embody your deepest realisations and spiritual openings.





Your true path unfolding

I have experienced how draining and overwhelming it is to be in this state of disharmony for years on end.  When we are stuck in old patterns of unconscious thought and behaviours and a body shut down from traumas, seeing and sensing into our true path in life can seem impossible.

My personal, spiritual and professional journeys have intersected in a way that still astounds me today.  My professional training, spiritual unfolding and the unique set of gifts that have opened through my own experience of hardship and trauma as well as through Grace are now a compassionate offering to you.

Guiding you to fully step into your authentic power and to open to the divine life force that you are.  As this starts to unfold, your own unique path in life and in service to others can fully flower with more ease.


What to expect during a session

Meeting you with deep presence as a mirror to bring forth your innate wisdom, I will guide you to unravel the patterns, beliefs, trauma and unconscious material that are the root cause of the presenting symptoms (anxiety, relationship struggles, depression, anger, PTSD).

Pulling weeds out from the top will only see the weeds grow again, I am committed to you pulling them out from the root so that a flourishing garden of divine design can grow in their place.

My focus is on healing your nervous system and energetic blocks in the body.  Each session is tailored uniquely for you, however as a general guide, I may use breath work, body sensation and somatic awareness, inner child work, somatic trauma release techniques, meditation, eye work for intimacy and attachment healing or any combinations of the many modalities I draw from.

When we bring the nervous system back into balance the capacity for inner peace, joy, clarity and embodying and expressing our divine spark becomes possible.