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All of life has seasons and moves in cycles.  Winter gives way to spring and then summer, only to repeat the cycle once again.  A day moves in a cycle from morning sunrise to sunset. The moon waxes and wanes in her cycle and the female body mimics the earth’s cycles with her menstruation, yet another cycle.

So we are intrinsically linked to the cycle of life and this is a beautiful thing.  There are summer seasons of our life where we are moving outward and creating in the beautiful sunshine, and winter seasons, where we move inward, hibernate, rest and do our inner soul work. 

But what I want to touch on today is those cycles in our life otherwise referred to as patterns that are not supporting our highest good and are in fact sabotaging our inner peace and joy.  It can be in any area of life.  Work, relationships, money or searching for meaning and purpose in life and struggling to find clarity.

We have certain lessons we are suppose to be learning in this life and this can show up, for example, in relationships.  The lesson can be presenting itself in the form of a cycle or pattern.  You and your partner may disagree, argue or have frustrating and unresolved issues around a certain lesson (you will each have a lesson in this situation, albeit a different one) that rears it’s head in a cyclic fashion.

Maybe it’s weekly, monthly or six monthly.  The time frame of the cycle is not important.  What is important is stopping, noticing the cycle and instead of reacting, arguing, becoming depressed or looking for an escape in the form of outward distractions, just take some time to look inward and inquire “what is life trying to show me about myself and the lesson to be learnt?”

When we start to bring this type of inquiry and light to our struggles we can begin the process of breaking cycles that don’t support our highest good or the highest good of those closest to us. 

You might have a negative cycle playing out in your life of overwhelm at work or a poor work/ life balance.  This could play out with you swearing that you will change the situation by looking for a new job, working less hours, exercising more or an intention to spend more time in stillness meditating.  You might do this for a week or two only to fall back into the same cycle and pattern, never finding the balance and ease in life you so desperately crave and the cycle continues.

So we’ve learnt a good first step is to actually stop, inquire and shine the light of awareness on your negative cycles.  The next is to pattern interrupt for change. This requires not only conscious awareness but also rewiring of the subconscious mind.  The beliefs and programs running in the background beneath your conscious awareness are the factors stopping you from breaking these negative cycles and patterns.  Until you shift the subconscious it can be a uphill battle as the subconscious is continuously fighting against and in conflict with what you’d consciously love to see manifest in your life.

Ultimately there is no good or bad as the “bad” cycles force us to change and grow and that in the long run is a good thing for you, your loved ones, for humanity and the earth at large.  

There are many modalities that work with the subconscious mind, hypnotherapy being the most widely known.  PSYCH-K is my favoured method as it works quickly and meets you where you are at with whatever is troubling you the most at that particular time.  With regular sessions over time you can see profound change in these negative cycles so you can embody the alignment, flow, joy and peace that you may be craving.