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When traumas or challenging situations occur in our childhood the imprint of these events are held in our psyche, emotional body and physical body.  Awakening is calling us to live our lives in a fully conscious way.  When we are operating from the wounded inner child we are behaving, moving and living unconsciously.

Incorporating inner child healing and integration along with somatic/body trauma therapy for the embodiment phase of awakening is a powerful calling home of the lost and painful parts of ourselves. The more emptiness and spacious loving presence that opens through our being, the more conscious light is available to call home these parts.  So, don’t be surprised if after big realisations or openings all the pain and hurt of the wounded inner child springs forth to be seen, loved, healed and integrated.  Nothing has gone wrong and you are not going backwards no matter how it seems.

Whilst we must have compassion for these parts, we must also be mindful of the effect they have on ourselves, others and the world at large.  It is the unconscious wounded inner child that inflicts violence upon others, the wounded inner child that speaks in unkind ways when it feels hurt or threatened, the wounded inner child who deceives and manipulates even in subtle ways to have its needs met.  It is the wounded inner child demanding to be seen and heard when people are in spiritual ego speaking not from their direct experience of truth but from a past realisation. It is the wounded inner child of dictators and political leaders who send their people to war and are responsible for the deaths of thousands and at times millions of people.

We mustn’t be complacent in the maturing of awakening to liberation.  We must be willing to see all there is to see about ourselves so we can truly move from an undivided place and our being can be a contribution of love, peace and sanity in the world.